Uncounted Worlds – Issue One

Uncounted Worlds - Issue One Cover
Uncounted Worlds – Issue One

So, Issue One is finally available – Uncounted Worlds Issue One Please be aware that this is a 6.4Mb Acrobat PDF file.

This issue is a sampler of what I’d like to see in future issues. It contains a revised version of the article on Life paths in BRP character generation I posted here previously, a suite of articles about a BRP fantasy setting I’ve run several times called Ulfland – included in this issue is a quick introductory sketch, a couple of setting specific monsters and a scenario I’ve used to start several campaigns. In addition there are a couple of NPC write ups and some magic items that a GM can use in their games.

In the future I’d obviously like more content from other people, in particular covering different genres; and I’m very conscious that, entirely due to my lack of organisation, there is virtually no art in this issue. I intend to rectify that for issue two, which I also hope to get out much more rapidly than Issue one!

In the mean time, I hope you enjoy issue one!